Student Profiles for Donor Report

These student profiles show donor gifts in action, while representing the university’s new brand. They were included  in the 2015-2016 University of West Florida Foundation Annual Report.

View the annual report (PDF).

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I see my career right in front of me.

CPA exam: I got this. Accounting graduate student Nicole Fryback-Heineken switched it up – years after earning a psychology degree, she made her way to UWF and the College of Business. The material she’s reviewing for the CPA exam directly mirrors the notes from her accounting classes. Programs like “Meet the Firms” have positioned her to land a job offer in the field six months before she graduates. Because of The Brian and Kim Pennington College of Business Professional Readiness Initiatives, students are well-prepared, a step ahead and ready to get working.

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I see my own potential.

Who needs a “summer break?” You can find me in the lab. First generation student and senior biochemistry major Amanda Hayes is running experiments and testing compounds. All with her eye on doing something no one else has done before – creating environmentally friendly pharmaceuticals, polymers and biologically active molecules. Thanks to The John Thayer and Joan Ames Burr Undergraduate Research Endowment, Amanda’s only summer job was to gain hands-on research experience through the UWF Summer Undergraduate Research Program. Confident, innovative and driven – that’s Amanda and that’s UWF.
